JULY 9 - 11, 2024

All the expert talks are now available on-demand.
Get instant access to practical strategies to help you manage your child’s big feelings and unlock your parenting confidence to shape your child’s bright future.

A 3-day VIRTUAL event for moms of HIGHLY SENSITIVE children

Missed the summit?

27 hot topic sessions!

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You know by now that raising your highly sensitive child takes a lot of creativity and determination. 

As a devoted mom of a highly sensitive child, you've already taken one of the most difficult steps.

You’ve recognized that there is something                                   
about your child.

A 5-minute time-out and a harsh reprimand just doesn’t work for our children. 

And these old-school parenting approaches fail 

every. single. time.

 unique and special 

But, every night you go to sleep wondering what the hell tomorrow will bring.

And if you are being really honest with yourself, you’re scared. 

Sometimes you even wonder if you are cut out to do this.

Maybe you're experiencing...

constant overwhelm, like you're walking on eggshells afraid to trigger a meltdown—it's exhausting, and frankly, you've had enough. 

You probably feel like...

the world doesn't seem to get what it's like to walk in your shoes, to constantly second-guess if you're doing enough, all while trying to shield your child from a world that just doesn't understand them.

Worst of all...

you feel alone on this journey, carrying the weight of your child's world on your shoulders. 

You're completely...

done with the cookie-cutter parenting advice that feels more dismissive than helpful. 

And maybe you're just...

lost and looking for anything, that speaks to the heart of what you're going through—without all the fluff.

Watch the replays

You just can't go on like this 


full stop!

(but we've got something that can help)

There is a way to...

...to help your highly sensitive child thrive without losing your ever-lovin’ mind along the way. 

How great would it feel to...

Rescue your totally tapped-out self from burnout so you can start living again instead of only surviving.

Unlock a deeper connection with your child so they know you’re their safe space when the world gets to be too much.

Regain the mom confidence you feared was gone forever, finally trusting yourself to give your child what they truly need.

Finally grasp what fires your sensitive child’s intense emotions so you can meet their needs with compassion while nurturing their unique gifts.

Have real solutions to calm the storm of sensory overload so emotional explosions no longer dominate their childhood or derail your days.

yes, please!

yes, please!

yes, please!

yes, please!

yes, please!

This is exactly what you'll find at THE


watch the replays

Discover the tools to unlock your power as a grounded, confident and resilient mom to raise your child while staying fiercely true to you. 

Arm yourself with a proven arsenal of strategies and tools to unleash your highly sensitive child's limitless potential and set them up for success.

Step into your highly sensitive child’s world and gain an empowering clarity that will transform the way you nurture their unique needs.


During the Raising Highly Sensitive Kids Summit you’ll learn practical strategies to help you manage your child’s big feelings and unlock your parenting confidence to shape your child’s bright future.





that empower you to skillfully shape your child's promising future

to access breakthrough methods



I am so excited to share resources I have gathered while creating Calm Mama Revolution during the Raising Highly Sensitive Kids Summit! There is so much great information to help you thrive with your highly sensitive child. 

Grab your ticket and join me and join 20+ sensory experts for a one-of-a-kind event that will help you unlock your parenting confidence to shape your child’s bright future.

I can't wait to see you there!

As a mom of a highly sensitive son myself, I know firsthand how challenging it can be to navigate the unique needs of sensitive children.

The overwhelming feelings, daily meltdowns, battles over sensory issues - it's excruciating at times and often just plain exhausting.

I spent years wishing there was more support tailored specifically for moms like us.

That’s why I created Calm Mama Revolution. To give moms like us a place to go when they feel like they have tried everything. 

Founder and CEO of Calm Mama Revolution

Hello, I'm Jill

meet your host

Designed specifically for mothers like you, we're addressing the deep emotional, social, and practical challenges of raising a highly sensitive child. 

It's the real deal—a place where the struggles are acknowledged, the victories are celebrated, and the solutions are as real as the challenges you face every day. 

Here, you'll dive into strategies that actually make sense, delivered by experts who know that one size fits none when it comes to parenting highly sensitive children.

This is the first summit designed                           for moms raising a highly sensitive child.

It’s more than an event, it's a turning point. 


Meet your


We couldn't be more excited to share our rockstart lineup of speakers with you... Mamas, This will be a summit for the books!

Day One


Step into your highly sensitive child’s world and gain an empowering clarity that will transform the way you nurture their unique needs.

A New Approach to Momming Your Highly Sensitive Child

Andrea Jacobson

Resetting Expectations When Your Kid Isn't Like the Others

Margaret  Webb

The Sensitive Blueprint: Outsmarting Overwhelm with Insight

Alane Freund


Tom Boyce

The Keys to Helping your Sensitive Mini-Me Thrive

Top Common Mistakes Parents of HSCs Make and What To Do Instead

Dr. Hilary Mandzik

Decoding Your Child's Unique Sensory and Sensitivity Needs to Customize Your Approach

Melissa Schwartz

Brody Gilbert

Kids Unfiltered:
From the Mouth of A
Highly Sensitive Babe

Day Two


Arm yourself with a proven arsenal of strategies and tools to unleash your highly sensitive child's limitless potential and set them up for success.

Cassie Gudmundson

Tackling the Top Tricky Behaviors in Highly Sensitive Kids (Toddler Edition)

Eating Without The Drama: Meals For Sensitive Tastebuds

Dr. Samantha  Goldman

Stacy McCann

Safe Havens: Crafting A Home Where Feelings Are Allowed

After the Tears: Teaching Your Child to Move Beyond the Feelings

Emilie Berkman

Mom’s Secret Playbook: Unique Tactics for Raising Sensitive Kids

Alyssa Campbell

Claire Lerner

When Gentle Parenting Fails: Practical Strategies for Supporting Your Big Reactors

The Doctor is In: Creating Comfort for Sensitive Young Patients

Madeha Ayub

Tantrum Tactics You Need Right Now

Dr. Ann-Louise T. Lockhart

Day Three


Discover the tools to unlock your power as a grounded, confident and resilient mom to raise your child while staying fiercely true to you. 

Unyime Oguta

The Working Moms Guide to Not Losing Your Ever-lovin' Mind

 The Journey of a Lifetime: How One Mom’s Early Shift in Perspective Shaped Her Daughter’s Thriving Life 

Sandi Schwartz

The Blueprint for Overcoming the Mom Overwhelm That's Taking Over Your World

Leah Davidson 

Sara Westbrook

Mastering Emotional Resilience: How to Conquer Self-Doubt to Build Unshakable Confidence

Turning Wartime Battles into Bonding Opportunities 

Sarah Moore

When I Snap My Fingers, You'll Be A Calm, Calm Mama

Jill Gilbert

Megan Champion

The Missing Link Moms of Highly Sensitive Kids Desperately Need

Keep Calm and Parent On: Three Scientifically Proven Strategies to Manage Your Emotions in the Eye of the Storm

Christel Estrada

Speaking the Language of Your Highly Sensitive Child: Unlocking the Power of Words

Jen Bunting

Let's face it, parenting a highly sensitive child comes with its own 


It’s about shifting the narrative from surviving to thriving, from isolation to community, from doubt to confidence.

But it also comes with unparalleled opportunities for growth, connection, and joy. 

This isn't about changing your child—it's about changing your world around them, making it a place where they can shine. It's about equipping you with everything you need to support, understand, and advocate for your highly sensitive child.







We're here to navigate this together, with insights that are tailored, not generic.

Imagine being surrounded by a circle of mothers who not only understand but also support each other through thick and thin.

Ready to take the leap?

Grab your free ticket by clicking the link below and join us for the Raising Highly Sensitive Kids Summit.

Enough with the guesswork. Learn from those who've been there, done that, and have the actionable strategies to show for it.


If you’re curious about your highly sensitive child, this event is for you! We’ll be specifically talking to moms of highly sensitive children and focusing on helping their children thrive, but anyone else who wants to learn about raising highly sensitive children is welcome to join us. 

The main portion of the summit runs from July 9-11, 2024. As soon as you register, you’ll want to join our Private Calm Mama Circle community filled with other moms on the same journey as you. There is no reason you should have to go it alone when there is a world of other moms.

Your free ticket includes 24 hour access to each of the presentations. If you need more time, you can always upgrade your ticket to the Calm Mama VIP Pass after registering, which will give you extended access to the presentations along with premium bonuses from our speakers and more!  

To avoid tech glitches, give you the best possible experience, and keep things easy for the speakers, most of the sessions are pre-recorded and will be released at a scheduled time during the summit. However, the speakers will be hanging out in our Private Calm Mama Circle where you can connect with them and ask your questions! 

No. Once you purchase Replay Access, you’ll be added to the Calm Mama Revolution email list so we can send you everything you need to access the Summit Hub. After the summit is over, you’ll continue to hear from us, but you can unsubscribe at any time. 

Each of the speakers will have free resources available that you can access by providing an email address, but the speakers will not get your email address unless you choose to give it to them specifically. That way, you only hear from the people you really love and don't have to worry about getting added to 20+ email lists that you're not interested in.

You can learn more in our Privacy Policy.

strategies that work for you and your child

And Finally Find

It’s time to stop trying generic parenting
“tips and tricks”

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