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Parental Controls for Kids: A Calm Approach for Moms

Hi, I'm Jill!

I’m a mama-in-training of a highly sensitive son. I love yoga pants, dungeness crab season, and working from my San Francisco flat in my PJs. My mission? To help other mamas raise a thriving highly sensitive child without losing their ever-lovin’ minds!

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The online world offers a universe of possibilities. From educational resources and entertainment, to connecting with friends and family. But, the internet also comes with certain risks. That’s where parental controls for kids come in.

This topic can sometimes feel overwhelming, but in reality, it doesn’t need to be a struggle. This post will guide you on how to use parental controls for kids as a positive parenting tool. Helping your kids navigate this world successfully and safely is an important part of modern-day parenting.

parental controls for kids

Why Are Parental Controls Important for Kids?

It’s not about spying or being overbearing, it’s about creating a safe space for your children to explore, learn, and grow. Imagine a playground–you wouldn’t let your child loose on a playground without first checking it for hazards. The internet is similar, it offers fantastic opportunities for kids but also has some unsafe areas.

Parental controls help filter out content or contacts that might not be age-appropriate, set healthy time limits so the online world doesn’t take over, and give you peace of mind knowing you’re doing your best to keep them safe. Ultimately, using parental controls is about making informed decisions as a parent that align with your values.

How To Implement Parental Controls

Implementing parental controls for kids is not about locking down their every move. In fact, that approach can often backfire and lead to secrecy and resentment. It’s far better to have open conversations with your children about digital habits and why you’ve chosen to use these tools.

This approach helps build trust, encourages responsible online behavior, and creates a partnership in navigating the digital world together. Let’s discuss some steps involved in setting up parental controls.

Step 1: Have an Honest Talk

Communication is key. Start an honest conversation with your kids about your concerns and expectations surrounding their online activity.

It doesn’t need to be a lecture; instead, make it a two-way street. Encourage questions, be open to their perspective, and work together to establish healthy boundaries that feel fair to both sides.

Step 2: Involve Your Kids

Depending on their age, you can even get your kids involved in setting up control features and account settings. Show them the tools, explain how they work, and why you think certain settings are important. If you involve them in the process, it is more likely they will buy in, and it becomes less of a “you vs. them” situation.

For younger kids, you’ll want more control over their online experience. However, as they grow, it becomes about gradually increasing their freedoms.

For older kids, consider it a collaborative approach, adjusting settings together as they mature and show responsibility. This not only promotes trust but also equips them to make smarter choices.

Step 3: Set Clear Boundaries

Before activating parental controls, outline clear boundaries. This involves discussing screen time limits, what websites and apps are appropriate, and when they can be accessed.

You should also address any concerns regarding privacy, cyberbullying, and sharing personal information with your child. It’s also good to talk through specific scenarios together so your children feel prepared if they encounter something uncomfortable online. Most importantly, let them know they can always come to you for help.

Parental Control Tools You Can Use

Today, parents have an array of tools to ensure safe digital spaces for their children. Many devices and platforms offer built-in features to set parental controls, which can help you monitor web content, social networks, and keep them safe online. Let’s explore some options:

Built-In Parental Controls

Your devices usually offer built-in features that act as the first line of defense. These built-in parental control options are usually free and easy to set up, offering basic levels of protection that cover most situations for families.

Device/Platform Tool/Feature Key Features
Windows Microsoft Family Website filtering, screen time limits, app and game restrictions, location tracking, and activity reports.
macOS OSX Parental Controls Website blocking, app restrictions, time limits, content filters, privacy settings, and communication limits.
Apple iOS (iPhones and iPads) Screen Time App limits, website blocking, content and privacy restrictions, communication limits, downtime settings, and location sharing.
Android Google Family Link Manage screen time, app usage, set bedtimes, track your child’s location, see their online activity and approve or block app downloads — all remotely from your own device.

Additionally, numerous specialized parental control apps offer a wide array of advanced features. Some notable ones include monitoring social media apps for potentially harmful interactions and setting up alerts for specific keywords or phrases. You can even find apps that manage browsing activity on public Wi-Fi.

Remember to choose reputable parental control software and research the options to find the right fit for your family’s needs.

parental controls for kids

FAQs About Parental Controls for Kids

What are some other important things to teach my child about online safety?

Beyond setting up parental controls, educating your children on responsible online behavior is crucial. Discuss the importance of not sharing personal information, such as their address, phone number, or school name, with them.

Also, talk to them about not talking to strangers online, being mindful of what they post, and avoiding clicking on suspicious links.

How can I talk to my teenager about respecting online privacy?

Having open conversations with your teenagers about online privacy is important. This helps foster trust and empowers them to be more discerning in their interactions.

Emphasize that once something is posted or shared online, it can be hard to remove completely and could potentially be seen by unintended audiences. Discuss the concept of digital footprints and how the information they post now could impact their future, such as applying to colleges or jobs.


Parental controls for kids can seem tricky, but they don’t have to be. Remember, they’re not about shutting down communication but opening up new avenues for it.

This shared journey of learning and adapting in an online world makes it more likely that both you and your kids will feel informed and empowered to handle whatever comes your way in the exciting world of technology.

Parental Controls for Kids: A Calm Approach for Moms

Jill Gilbert

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