Understanding & Parenting the Highly Sensitive Child: Practical Insights for Moms
Hi, I'm Jill!
I’m a mama-in-training of a highly sensitive son. I love yoga pants, dungeness crab season, and working from my San Francisco flat in my PJs. My mission? To help other mamas raise a thriving highly sensitive child without losing their ever-lovin’ minds!
Raising a highly sensitive child can feel like navigating a world full of emotional landmines. One minute they’re overjoyed; the next they’re melting down over a misplaced toy. If you’re nodding your head in recognition, you’ve probably wondered what makes your little one tick.
Highly sensitive children experience emotions and their surroundings on a deeper level than their less sensitive peers. Coined by psychologist and researcher Dr. Elaine Aron, the term “highly sensitive child” highlights how in-tune these children are to their surroundings. About one in five children are highly sensitive, suggesting that this is a common trait, not an anomaly.
Being a child highly sensitive child is not a disorder. Highly sensitive children are more susceptible to intense emotional reactions across various situations. For example, some may spiral into fits of excitement and activity, while others become easily overwhelmed and teary-eyed. Recognizing and understanding these different expressions of sensitivity is key for parents.
Recognizing a Highly Sensitive Child
While every child is different, some telltale signs can indicate high sensitivity in children:
Intense Emotional Reactions: They may experience extreme joy, sadness, anger, or fear in response to seemingly minor events.
Sensory Overwhelm: Crowded places, bright lights, loud noises, or strong smells might make them feel overwhelmed or agitated.
Deep Empathy: They seem to feel other people’s emotions intensely and often get upset when someone else is sad or angry.
Strong Reactions to Criticism: They tend to take negative feedback to heart, often feeling crushed or discouraged by criticism, even if it’s meant to be constructive.
Need for Alone Time: They often need time to recharge after social situations or stimulating activities. Don’t be surprised if they retreat to their room for a while.
This deep processing also explains why some children respond so dramatically to issues parents perceive as small. It’s not about being “dramatic” for attention, but rather a true, amplified experience.
The Advantages of Raising a Highly Sensitive Child
It’s easy to get caught up in the challenges that can come with raising a highly sensitive child but let’s not forget their incredible strengths. Researchers have actually found that kids with highly sensitive brains have a superpower — empathy.
Think about it, a room full of people talking might sound fine to you. But, to a child who processes sounds more intensely, it might feel incredibly overwhelming — like someone cranked up the volume to maximum. Now imagine you have no control over the volume knob, and it’s always at that level; that’s a glimpse into their world.
Sensitivity isn’t something to “fix” but an intrinsic quality that can become an advantage. A child’s experience is shaped by their sensory experiences, and highly sensitive people, including children, need help learning to manage their emotions and thrive in a world that isn’t always designed for their sensitive nature.
Tips for Nurturing Your Highly Sensitive Child
Successfully navigating the world with a highly sensitive child involves understanding and embracing their uniqueness. Your loving approach plays a crucial role in their emotional well-being and helps children thrive.
1. Prioritize Emotional Coaching
Emotion coaching involves validating your child’s feelings without judgment. Let your highly sensitive child know it’s ok to experience strong emotions, and your job is to help them manage those big feelings. Teach them how to identify and label what they’re feeling.
2. Be Mindful of Sensory Input
Remember, a highly sensitive child’s nervous system is on high alert, so small things can set them off. If possible, avoid taking them places where they might feel overwhelmed. Provide a calming space at home where they can decompress and enjoy some quiet time.
3. Foster Creativity and Imagination
A highly sensitive child’s inner world is often rich and colorful, so encourage creative expression through art, music, writing, or imaginative play. Who knows, maybe they’re the next Picasso or Mozart.
4. Advocate for Your Child
Don’t be afraid to talk to your child’s teachers, coaches, or caregivers about their sensitivity. Explain how it affects them and provide specific examples to illustrate. Parents create the foundation for children to thrive.
5. Nurture their Superpowers
This notion of “orchid and dandelion children” highlights just how important environmental influences can be. It was researchers Boyce and colleagues who in 1995, first proposed this theory known as “Biological Sensitivity to Context”.
Orchid children, like their floral namesakes, are incredibly responsive to their environment, for better or worse. While they might be more susceptible to stress in challenging environments, in supportive and loving homes, they can thrive and learn coping mechanisms for their strong emotional reactions.
Highly sensitive kids benefit immensely from positive reinforcement, encouragement, and supportive environments. Their sensory processing sensitivity, as Dr. Elaine Aron’s research shows, is a difference, not a deficit. They just process information deeply.
FAQs about Highly Sensitive Children
Do Highly Sensitive Children Grow Out of It?
In short, no, highly sensitive children do not grow out of it. However, as they get older, they can develop helpful coping strategies to better navigate a world that wasn’t exactly designed with their unique needs in mind.
Is Being a Highly Sensitive Child a Diagnosis?
This is actually not a clinical diagnosis, but a temperament trait — a way of experiencing the world. It doesn’t need to be “fixed” but rather, embraced and supported. So, while a professional might observe the behaviors we’ve talked about, they wouldn’t make a formal diagnosis of “highly sensitive child.”
Raising a highly sensitive child requires patience, understanding, and a willingness to adjust your parenting approach to their individual needs. While the intensity of their emotions might take some getting used to, these little ones possess incredible gifts— empathy, compassion, creativity, and thoughtfulness that can truly light up the world. Your job? Provide that nurturing environment to help them blossom into confident, compassionate people, even with those sensitive hearts of theirs.
Understanding & Parenting the Highly Sensitive Child: Practical Insights for Moms
Jill Gilbert
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